Our offer

Discover what we offer to professionals, families and children in the sections below

Betternet offers educational resources, pedagogical tools and training modules you can use with children (6-18) to work on their media literacy and e-safety.

Awareness-raising initiatives we develop always take into account the needs of professionals working with children and young people and caregivers. By developing and offering hands-on and ready-to-use tools to professionals and caregivers, we want to provide the necessary support to teach media literacy in formal and non-formal education settings, according to the needs of each sector or setting.

Investing and teaching media literacy is paramount to ensure that children are able to discern, make free choices, do not become victims and grow respectful, resilient and empowered digital citizens.

Tools offered by Betternet partners:

Tools and trainings available in FR

Tools and training available in NL

Tools and trainings available in FR

Tools available in FR

Informational websites for parents developed by Betternet:

Betternet creates opportunities for you as a professional to work with others on specific topics, share your challenges and find solutions together.

To develop relevant and tailor-made tools, Betternet consults grassroots workers and facilitates peer exchange on challenges and best practices. We gather stakeholders from Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia and stimulate cooperation to work together towards a better internet for all children in the country.

By creating cooperation and networking opportunities, we want to mutually inspire professionals and provide them tools they can use with the children they work with to address different topics linked to media and the digital environment.

Cooperation with stakeholders is essential to offer a 360° approach to media literacy: that is why Betternet also promotes initiatives developed by other partners. You can discover more on our resources page.

Betternet Lab logo

BetternetLabs are workshops organised with youth workers and educators to listen to their needs on a specific topic.

On Safer Internet Day we take the chance to inspire professionals and learn more about media literacy initiatives in Belgium.

Child Focus provides emotional, social and technical support to children and their caregivers (parents, educators, teachers …) on e-safety issues such as non-consensual sexting, grooming or sextortion.

If a child experiences a negative experience online, or if an adult suspects or knows that a child is a victim of a harmful situation online, they can contact the Child Focus helpline to get the support they need.

The helpline is available through:

116 000 number – free of charge from land or mobile line, and available 24/7.

Cybersquad forum and chat for teenagers aged 12+.

Cybersquad is a peer-to-peer forum for teenagers 12+ where they can exchange and support each other on e-safety related issues. Cybersquad also offers a chat service managed by Child Focus specialised counselors to answer questions and support teens in need.

Child Focus operates the civil contact point www.imagesdabus.be where anyone can report child sexual exploitation material found online and help stop child sexual exploitation.

Unfortunately, the spreading of child sexual exploitation material (videos, images, pictures, ..) online is a growing phenomenon in Belgium, Europe and worldwide. As a victim-centered oraganisation, and the foundation to support sexually exploited children, Child Focus has received the mandate from the government to run the civil contact point to report such material and stop its spreading.

The hotline operates via:

www.imagesdabus.be: the civil contact point to anonymously report online child sexual exploitation material.

Through www.imagedabus.be Child Focus receives reports from citizens, analyses these reports and collaborates with law enforcement and other hotlines across the globe to take down these images.

Arachnid: a web crawler that through photo-DNA allows the detection of online child sexual exploitation material.

Betternet involves children and young people, listens to their needs and designs resources that are tailor-made for them.

We believe that child protection and empowerment cannot happen without active child participation. Therefore, we involve children and listen to their voices throughout all our activities.

Focus groups, consultations and co-construction processes are frequently organized to involve youth in our activities and develop together tools, games and resources for them to become conscious and resilient digital citizens.

Mediawijs and Média Animation conduct two large scale research projects that involve more than 6000 children every time. The research collects information about children and youth’s digital practices and needs.

Discover more on the research:

Betternet advocates for more investment in media literacy and e-safety for children and initiatives needed to end child sexual exploitation online.

Digital service providers, tech industry and social media companies have a key role to play in the protection and empowerment of children online. Betternet engages discussion with these actors, cooperates with them and advocates towards them to promote safe digital experiences for children.

Internet Safe and Fun: an awareness raising project by Child Focus, delivered by trained industry partners to primary school children.

Trusted Flagger status: Child Focus is recognized as a trusted flagger by some of the most important social media providers (Meta, Discord, SnapChat,…).

Trusted Flagger status allows to quickly treat users’ reports of (potential) child sexual exploitation, for example the non-consensual sharing of intimate images, grooming or sextortion, filed through social media.

With the recently adopted Digital Services Act of the European Union, it will be mandatory to appoint a trusted flagger in each EU country for (potential) child sexual exploitation material found on digital platforms. Child Focus will advocate to become the trusted flagger in Belgium.

Feeling inspired? Discover the resources
