Our story
A timeline of our key achievements
Creation of the hotline
Child Focus obtains the mandate as civil contact point to receive reports of child sexual abuse material found online
Launch of Internet Safe & Fun
Child Focus involves industry partners in the awareness raising programme Internet Safe & Fun
Creation of the 116 000 Helpline
The 116 000 becomes also the helpline on e-safety related issues, accessible for victims of online sexual exploitation or anyone who has questions related to the online experiences of children and young people.
Foundation of Belgian Better Internet Consortium (BBICO)
Child Focus, Mediawijs, Média Animation and the Conseil supérieur de l’éducation aux médias start working together and set up the Belgian Safer Internet Center (BBICO)
Identification and federation of stakeholders in Belgium
BBICO sets it objective: to make media literacy stakeholders across Belgium working together through BetternetLabs
Listen to the voices of youth I
Apestaartjaren research to understand children’s media use in Flanders becomes part of the Belgian Safer Internet Center
Hotline obtains mandate to analyse reports
Child Focus hotline obtains mandate to analyse child sexual abuse material received through the civil contact point www.stopabuseimages.be, based on a collaboration protocol with Belgian LEA.
Vulnerable children and the digital world
BBICO starts paying extra attention to the digital experiences of vulnerable children.
Listen to the voices of youth II
Génération 2020 research is launched to study children’s media use in Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
BBICO become a one-stop-shop
The Belgian Safer Internet Center becomes a one-stop-shop to provide professionals with tailor made tools to work with children in and on the digital environment
From BBICO to Betternet
BBICO is refreshed and rebranded to become Betternet: a way of emphasizing our positive vision of the internet and the digital technologies.